Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sorry about the pic sizes. My phone wouldn't upload correctly. The 2-part resin from was interesting. It has no smell and went on pretty easy. It was a really messy job but resins usually are. It kicked in about 15 minutes so I had to work pretty fast, even though I did it in 40 degree temp. Tonight I finished the three coats on the hull and will finish the deck tomorrow. I hope it is warm out. I expect the deck to be a little more challenging due to the rounded shape.
The kayak became translucent after the poly was applied. I kind of like it that way! One word of warning for any newbies like myself....when you are steaming out he nylon to shrink it, don't let any water run down the sides of the hull. The water made invisible stains that only showed up after the resin was applied. They don't look that bad. I am still real happy with the results. :)